Wednesday, May 30, 2007

halo 2 cheats part 14

Hint: Vertical or Horizontal SplitscreenIn a two-player splitscreen, Halo 2 will automatically change whether it's a verticle or horizontal split, depending on whether your Xbox is in widescreen or normal mode. In widescreen, the screen will split vertically (one screen on the left, one on the right). In normal screen (4:3 aspect ratio), the screen will split horizontally (one screen on top, one on bottom).
Hint: Tank Weak SpotsThe two tanks in Halo 2 have different weaks spots (and strong points). The human Scorpion tank has a turret that is almost invincible; it's naturally vulnerable in the body and the four tread motors (which count against its hull integrity). The alien Covenant Wraith has a very strong glacis (the front armored bulge where the pilot is). Consequently, it has a very weak rear. Rockets affect both tanks as if the weakest facing is used, meaning two shots will knock out any tank.

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