Wednesday, May 30, 2007

halo 2 cheats part 8

Cheat: Infinite / Sputnik SkullDifficulty: LegendaryLevel: Quarantine ZoneWord: Sputnik Effect: Explosions and melee have more of an effect, which may be the result of less gravity. From the start of the level, look to your left for an Elite. To the left of the elite there is a tunnel. Head into the tunnel and go straight until you reach a cliff. Now turn left and follow the cliff till you reach a rock wall. To the right of the wall and the cliff is a narrow passage, skull is at the end of that passage. To get sputnik skull go to the level Quarintine Zone on legendary. At the start of the level turn around and you will see a tunnel go through the tunnel and continue going straight. You will reach a cliff. When you reach the cliff turn to your left and continue going straight. You will reach a rock wall and to the right of the rock wall there is a narrow LEDGE not a passage. walk down onto the LEDGE and continue to the end. The sputnik skull will be there.

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